Definition of Domestic Student Exchange
It is taking classes or semesters at a domestic university based on cooperation agreements established by the Government or between Universitas Airlangga and Partner Universities. The grades and credits obtained at the external university will be equated by the respective university.
This exchange program aims to provide students with the chance to enhance their soft skills and hard skills through learning experiences at different universities.

The Permata Sakti Program is a student exchange program through cooperation among universities in Indonesia. The Permata Sakti student exchange is based on core scientific courses (academic excellence).
The transfer and acquisition of credits are carried out in one full semester according to the academic calendar of the recipient university.
Eligibility Criteria:
Participants are students who meet the following requirements:
- Active and registered students in the Higher Education Database (PDDIKTI) in the 5th (five) to 7th (seven) semester.
- Permata Sakti participants throughout Indonesia only have one opportunity to participate and receive financial assistance from the Permata Sakti program.
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.75 and/or have achievements at least at the provincial level, as indicated by official evidence.
- Have the ability and opportunity to develop reasoning, insight, integrity, creativity, and innovation.
- Have not been subjected to academic and non-academic sanctions at the sending university.
- Willing to comply with all provisions in the Standard Operational Guidelines (POB) of the Permata Sakti Program.
- Declared to have passed the selection process by the Permata Sakti team at the University of Airlangga.
Registration/Selection Mechanism for Candidate participants
- Candidates are strongly encouraged to follow any information dissemination sessions at the Directorate of Academic Affairs of UNAIR.
- Candidates are required to select a partner university of UNAIR.
- Candidates must fill out and sign the Permata Sakti program registration form, either through online applications or using the hardcopy form provided by the university.
- Candidates register themselves through the study program at UNAIR, including the completed and signed form.
- The Permata Sakti team at each university conducts a fair, transparent, and accountable selection process based on the required quota and announces the candidate applicants who have passed the selection at the study program level.
- Candidates who have previously participated in the Permata Sakti program are not allowed to apply for the next Permata Sakti program.
- Candidates who have been selected must fulfill all requirements stated in the Standard Operational Guidelines (POB) as well as any specific requirements set by the university, and follow all developments related to the implementation of Permata Sakti.
- Candidate fill out a Study Plan Card (KRS) which includes the courses they will take at the receiving university for Permata Sakti.
- The Directorate General of Higher Education issues a participant identification letter (SK) for each university in the Permata Sakti program.
- Candidates accepted must attend all Permata Sakti activities according to the regulations and schedule.
- Candidates accepted in the Permata Sakti program who attend classes at the host university are not allowed to take any courses at UNAIR that are not part of the Permata Sakti curriculum in the same semester.
Activities of the Permata Sakti Program
- Every participant is required to participate in the entire series of distance learning activities, both synchronously and asynchronously, according to the programmed courses, using a reliable online learning platform or provided modules.
- Every participant must comply with the administrative, academic, and campus regulations in accordance with the prevailing academic rules of the receiving university implementing the Permata Sakti program.
- Every participant is required to take a minimum of 6 credits and a maximum of 20 credits of the courses offered by the receiving university.
- Every participant is expected to actively engage in all course materials, participate in discussions/question-and-answer sessions, complete assignments given by instructors, and take mid-term and final semester exams.
- The grading system for participants in the Permata Sakti program follows the system implemented by the study program/receiving university.
- Every participant is encouraged to study and understand the culture, customs, and social characteristics of the receiving university and interact with other Permata Sakti participants from different regions through facilitated interactions with designated instructors/speakers.
- Cultural, traditional, and social interaction activities are specifically conducted outside of class hours (special meetings) through open discussions, dissemination of written texts and/or videos, sharing and exchanging information, sharing and exchanging academic and non-academic experiences through distance learning (online), or on-site visits if feasible.
- Every course instructor is entitled to receive learning support facilities
The Receiving University facilities and services include
- Student Identity Card (KTM) from the receiving university valid for one semester (Virtual KTM).
- Learning modules from the course instructors.
- Access to online library services.
- Participation in student activities organized by the receiving university through distance learning (online).
- At the end of the Permata Sakti program, participants are entitled to receive a transcript of grades for the completed courses, signed by the authorized officials of the receiving university, as proof of credit transfer or in the form of a Certificate of Accompanying Diploma (SKPI) as evidence of credit acquisition recognized by the sending university.
- Assistance with internet package/quota expenses.
- Assistance with the production costs of social and cultural materials (videos) and community service.
Activities of Course Instructors
- Every course instructor is required to prepare course materials in the form of Distance Learning Modules according to the provisions of Distance Learning that can be accessed by the participant students, including content, scientific papers, tutorials/exercises, videos/animations, assignments, and assessment mechanisms.
- Every course instructor can conduct Distance Learning using synchronous and/or asynchronous systems.
- Every instructor is responsible for facilitating active and dynamic interactions and acting as an academic facilitator for the participants.
- Every course instructor is required to assess the progress and learning outcomes of the participants.
- Every course instructor is required to facilitate cultural interactions, community social activities, and/or community service for all participants outside of class hours through online platforms.
- Every course instructor is required to prepare a report on the implementation of the course and the achievement of learning outcomes and non-academic activities, which will be submitted to the Permata Sakti Program Manager at their respective university to be forwarded to Ditbelmawa.
- Every course instructor is encouraged to document the implementation of the course (through photos/short video streams) as part of accountability and testimony of Permata Sakti activities.
- Every course instructor is entitled to receive learning support facilities,
- Assistance with the production costs of Distance Learning Modules.
- Assistance with mobile credit/internet quota expenses.
- Access to university facilities related to cultural interactions, community social activities, and community service.
Transfer of Course Credits
- UNAIR and the host universities each appoint one or more officials responsible for the exchange and transfer of course credits for program participants.
- Before the exchange and transfer of course credits take place, participants in the Permata Sakti program are required to attend orientation and receive relevant information about the Permata Sakti program.
- The orientation provides clear information about:
- The purpose and objectives of the Permata Sakti program
- The rights and obligations of Permata Sakti program participants.
- The rights and obligations of course instructors.
- Detailed information about the receiving university that the participants will attend.
- Plans for Student Exchange Schemes and Course Credit Transfer.
- Name, address, and contact number of the responsible person in charge. - The study program converts the students' activity grades and enters them into UACC (Universitas Airlangga Cybercampus).
- The study program submits reports on the website
Welcoming Receiption and Accompaniment of Participants
- The participants of the Permata Sakti program are scheduled to participate in a formal remote reception event organized by the leadership of the host university. This event, attended by the Dean and/or Chair of the relevant Program of Study, serves as a welcoming ceremony for the program participants.
- During the remote communication (online), participants will complete the registration process, obtain their Student Identification Card (KTM), and receive comprehensive explanations regarding the academic regulations and campus life from the host university.
- Upon completion of the registration, the university leadership will formally introduce and hand over the participants to the Dean and/or Chair of the Program of Study, signifying their inclusion in the program.
Implementation of Teaching Activities
- The academic activities of the participants will be conducted in accordance with the academic calendar and regulations of the host university.
- Participants in the Permata Sakti program are required to strictly adhere to all academic regulations, disciplinary rules, student ethics, and any other applicable regulations set forth by the host university.
- Participants will be treated on an equal basis with regular students of the host university regarding their involvement in academic activities.
- Students are obligated to actively participate in all teaching activities, as well as other designated non-academic activities, as per the established schedule. These activities will be conducted using remote learning methods, facilitated by the designated online learning platform, and will continue throughout the entire semester.
- In exceptional cases where it is deemed necessary and feasible, students may be granted permission to attend face-to-face classes at the host university.
- The receiving university may offer a maximum of six courses from various programs of study, which will be delivered through online platforms.
- Each course will accommodate a maximum of 40 students, comprising participants from various programs of study. Among these, up to 10 students can be from the internal university, while a maximum of 30 students can be from partner universities.
- As part of the reciprocal arrangement, each university will receive and send a total of 500 students for public universities (PTN) and 400 students for private universities (PTS).
Monitoring and Evaluation
- UNAIR and the receiving universities conduct monitoring of the implementation of the Permata Sakti program at their respective institutions, both through remote means and, if possible, through site visits.
- The receiving universities provide progress reports and updates on the participants of the Permata Sakti program after the midterm exams (UTS).
- At the end of each semester, the receiving universities compile and submit a final report on the program, encompassing the overall implementation of activities.
- The content of the Permata Sakti report includes:
- Introduction
- List of participants' names, Name of home universities, and Study Program.
- Number of programs and students accepted.
- Report on PERMATA-SAKTI activities and important occurrences during the program
- Copy of the semester result card, signed by competent authorities, in accordance with the course grade transcript
- Compilation of a video report showcasing the participants' local culture
- Feedback and suggestions for improving the implementation of Permata Sakti
- Photos/videos of program activities
- Testimonials from participants in both printed and audio-visual formats
- Appendices (if applicable)
- The home and host universities need to conduct a joint evaluation based on the monitoring results and activity reports upon completion of the Permata Sakti program's duration.
- The reports from all host universities will be summarized and analyzed by the Permata Sakti Working Group as a basis for evaluation and development of the Permata Sakti program in the following year.
- The evaluation of the Permata Sakti program leads to collective decisions regarding the program's sustainability and recommendations for future improvements. These decisions are presented to Ditbelmawa (Directorate General of Higher Education) and MRPTNI (Indonesian Rectors' Forum).
- The Permata Sakti Program Working Group and Ditbelmawa regularly monitor and evaluate several universities implementing the Permata Sakti program through coordinated efforts with each institution. This ensures the overall quality of program delivery for Permata Sakti.