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HomeFAQ about Merdeka Belajar - Domestic Student Exchange Program

FAQ about Merdeka Belajar - Domestic Student Exchange Program

What is meant by the conversion/recognition of 20 credit hours (SKS), and what is the mechanism for it?

Recognition of semester credit units (sks) for students who undergo learning outside their original Higher Education institution through the Kampus Merdeka program which is managed by::

a. Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi secara terpusat; 

b. Higher Education institutions and approved by the Higher Education leaders.

c. Kementerian atau lembaga lain dan divalidasi oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi.

Perguruan Tinggi memfasilitasi mahasiswa untuk mengikuti pembelajaran program Kampus Merdeka di luar Perguruan Tinggi asal tanpa menunggu ditetapkannya kurikulum baru.

Kampus memberikan pengakuan pelaksanaan pembelajaran program Kampus Merdeka di luar Perguruan Tinggi karena hal tersebut sudah diatur dalam Permendikbud No. 3 tahun 2020 dan Kepmendikbud No 74 tahun 2021 sebagai payung hukum terkait dengan kurikulum dan SKS.

Pembelajaran melalui program yang disediakan oleh organisasi mitra tidak akan dikonversikan secara utuh sebanyak 20 SKS (gelondongan), tetapi per skill atau keahlian yang dikembangkan dalam program. Skill atau keahlian tersebut bisa dikonversikan ke dalam SKS Perguruan Tinggi dengan 4 pilihan:

Mekanisme pengakuan kredit ini disesuaikan dengan pelaksanaan pembelajaran kumulatif dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

Pengakuan SKS bagi mahasiswa ini tentunya harus memenuhi beberapa ketentuan yang sudah disiapkan, antara lain:

Adapun hal-hal yang membuat pengakuan/konversi SKS ini tidak bisa diberikan kepada mahasiswa yang terbukti melakukan:

Berikut adalah skema pengakuan/konversi SKS dalam program MSIB apabila ada kendala atau tidak bisa dilakukannya pengakuan/konversi SKS:

In which semester can students enroll/participate in the MSIB program?

Active students must be at least in their 5th semester when the program begins/takes place.

Which campuses are eligible to participate in the MSIB - Kampus Merdeka program?

The Certified Internship and Independent Study Program can be taken by all active students (during the duration of MSIB) at the D3, D4 and S1 levels from all departments and private and state campuses with any accreditation under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Students from campuses under the Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Communication and Information and Ministry of Finance cannot yet take part in the MSIB program.

Which campuses are eligible to participate in the MSIB - Kampus Merdeka program?

The Certified Internship and Independent Study Program can be taken by all active students (during the duration of MSIB) at the D3, D4 and S1 levels from all departments and private and state campuses with any accreditation under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Students from campuses under the Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Communication and Information and Ministry of Finance cannot yet take part in the MSIB program.

In the event of a successful completion of the MSIB program, can students continue attending classes/taking courses at their home university?

No. Students are expected to fully commit to the program on a full-time basis and with complete focus, as they have already been granted 20 credits. Students may take additional courses for the remaining number of credits allowed in that semester (after deducting the 20 credits) only if it is permitted by the partner organization, and they declare their commitment to this while participating in the program.

Are there any limitations in registering for internship companies?

No, there are no limitations. Students can apply to multiple programs but must choose and participate in only one program once accepted.

Will students receive an allowance for participating in this program?

Yes, students will an allowance. For the exact amount of the allowance, please wait for information from the host university when students are accepted.

Will students living outside the internship location be provided with transportation accommodation for their journey to the internship location (e.g., train or plane tickets)?

Students who live outside the area where the internship will take place will receive

Transport money for 1 return trip to the internship location. For short distances or within the city, there is no transportation fee.

Is it permissible for students to graduate or participate in commencement ceremonies while the program is in progress?

No, it is not. As this program is designed for active students, students are not allowed to graduate or attend commencement ceremonies until the program has concluded. Student graduation status is determined upon successful completion of the yudisium examination.

Is the MSIB program held every semester or once a year?

The MSIB program is conducted every semester.

Does the MSIB program overlap with the KMMI program?

No, they do not overlap. However, they cannot be taken concurrently if the total number of credits a student takes exceeds the maximum allowed for that semester (after adding 20 credits).

If the MSIB program is conducted online, will students still receive an allowance?

Students will receive an allowance according to the amount proposed by the host institution.

What if a student who applies for and is accepted into the MSIB program is in a semester below the 5th semester?

If, in August 2021, the student is unable to provide evidence that they are in their 5th semester,

their participation status will be canceled.