Definition of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is a student learning activity in the form of entrepreneurial activities carried out for a minimum of 1 semester and a maximum of 2 semesters in entrepreneurship programs at Career Development and Entrepreneurship Centre (PPKK), Business Development and Incubation Institute (LPBI), and Student Entrepreneurship Creativity Program (PKM-K) of Directorate of Student Affairs (Dirmawa) in Universitas Airlangga, or entrepreneurship programs implemented by other institutions that have collaboration with Universitas Airlangga.
Form of Activity
Students are required to develop a new business model within a group of 2 to 4 individuals, drawn from different departments, or a maximum of 2 people from the same department. This development should be done under the guidance of 1 to 2 supervisors from the respective department and entrepreneurship program organizers.
Outcomes and Impact
Students engaging in entrepreneurial learning activities must establish a new business unit that operates for a minimum of one semester.
The procedure for implementing entrepreneurial learning activities is as follows:
- Students select an entrepreneurship program offered by the university or other institutions collaborating with Universitas Airlangga.
- Students apply for the entrepreneurship program by preparing an entrepreneurial proposal.
- PPKK or LPBI or Dirmawa or activity organizers review and select entrepreneurial student proposals.
- PPKK or LPBI or Dirmawa or activity organizers appoint mentor during entrepreneurial activities.
- PPKK or LPBI or Dirmawa or the activity organizer provides a learning contract during entrepreneurial activities signed by students.
- Students submit a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) to the department and complete the Entrepreneurship Learning Activity Plan form.
- The Study Program appoints a faculty supervisor for the student's research activity.
- Department prepares a conversion course plan for entrepreneurial activities signed by students and supervisors.
- Students carry out activities and fill out a log book during entrepreneurial activities known by the supervisor and mentor.
- Students present the results of entrepreneurial activities at the end of the semester to the supervisor and mentor.
- Supervisors and mentors provide grades to the Department based on the list of conversion courses.
- Department submits the conversion of grades and credits of entrepreneurial activities to the Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs (Wakil Dekan I).
- The respective student’s study program administrator converts the grades based on the students' activities and inputs them into the cyber campus system.
- Department reports on the website
- The entrepreneurial activity venue will provide activity certificates to students and Department.
- Students submit research activity reports to the study program and entrepreneurial activity organizers.
- During entrepreneurial activities, students can access online learning from courses that will be converted, and can take part in online learning for other courses and can be converted to credits.

Grade Conversion
Entrepreneurship learning activities can be converted to the following courses:
- Entrepreneurship courses.
- Department competency courses relevant to entrepreneurial activities.
- 1 (one) semester credit unit (credit) is equivalent to 2,720 (two thousand seven hundred twenty) minutes of entrepreneurial activities carried out by students.
- Department makes mapping and forms as an example of implementation.