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HomeSocial Activities

Social Activities

Definition of Humanitarian Project / Social Activities

A humanitarian project encompasses social activities conducted for a foundation or humanitarian organization that is approved by the University, both within the country and abroad. These projects are aimed at addressing various social challenges and promoting the well-being of individuals and communities in need. Humanitarian projects can be implemented in formal organizations that have been authorized by the University's leadership, such as the Indonesian Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia), Mercy Corps, Airlangga Inclusive Learning, Covid-19 Task Force, and others.

Objectives of the Activity:

  • To cultivate in students a sense of integrity and reverence for humanitarian values
    guiding them in their tasks based on principles rooted in religion, morality, and ethics.
  • To foster social awareness and empathy in students, enabling them to explore and delve into existing issues, with the aim of finding suitable solutions aligned with their individual interests and expertise.


  1. The Social Activity Project can be undertaken by students at any semester of their academic journey. The roles and responsibilities of students will vary accordingly. For instance, students in the early semesters may engage in activities like fundraising, while more complex tasks such as assisting communities or vulnerable groups should be carried out by senior students. contoh :  mahasiswa semester awal dapat melakukan kegiatan penggalangan dana. Kegiatan yang lebih kompleks seperti penanganan korban/masyarakat terdampak harus dilakukan mahasiswa tingkat akhir.
  2. Student participation should align with their respective areas of expertise.
  3. The social activities conducted should be in accordance with the considerations of safety, needs, and available opportunities.

Procedures carried out by the Faculty/Study Program

  1. Establishing collaborations with the Ministry of Education and Humanitarian organizations, both at the national and international levels, to organize programs based on national and international agendas (such as MDGs, health, population, and others).

  2. In times of exigency and urgent humanitarian crises, the Faculty/Study Program assumes the prerogative to promptly deploy students for engagement in essential humanitarian projects. Such deployments are carried out with due authorization and informed consent from the Directorate of Academic Affairs.

  3. To ensure the utmost efficacy and excellence in the execution of humanitarian projects, the Faculty/Study Program diligently provides dedicated
    supervisors, mentors, or coaches.

  4. The Faculty/Study Program meticulously conducts a comprehensive and meticulous selection process to identify students who possess the requisite skills, passion, and commitment to partake in humanitarian projects.

  5. As a fundamental responsibility, the Faculty/Study Program meticulously oversees the alignment of all humanitarian projects undertaken by students with the overarching objectives and principles outlined by the institution and the collaborating humanitarian organizations.

  6. To ensure the seamless progress and impactful outcomes of humanitarian initiatives, faculty mentors are assigned to provide ongoing monitoring,
    evaluation, and constructive feedback on students' project implementations.

  7. The Faculty/Study Program accurately equates the hours devoted to humanitarian activities to be recognized as academic credits (sks), duly acknowledging and appreciating the value of such impactful endeavors.

  8. The Faculty/Study Program ensures meticulous adherence to the terms and conditions stipulated in the collaboration agreements with partnering organizations.

  9. Throughout their active participation in various student activities, the Faculty/Study Program meticulously upholds the rights and welfare of students, including pertinent provisions such as health insurance coverage and other essential entitlements.

  10. The Faculty/Study Program conducts a meticulous grade conversion process to aptly acknowledge students' achievements and contributions in humanitarian projects

  11. The study program submits reports on the website http://pendidikan.unair.ac.id/akmdikti.

Rekognisi Satuan Kredit Semester

  1. One (1) credit unit per semester (sks) is equivalent to 2,720 (two thousand seven hundred twenty) minutes of research activity carried out by the student.
  2. Penilaian dapat dilakukan oleh dosen pendamping dengan mempertimbangkan penilaian dari mentor dari organisasi kemahasiswaan atau lembaga penyelenggaran kegiatan kemanusiaan berdasarkan peran mahasiswa dalam proyek kemanusiaan, hasil yang didapatkan, serta tingkat kesulitan dan kompleksitas isu kemanusiaan yang dikerjakan.