UNAIR NEWS Participants of Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka Dalam Negeri (PMM-DN) programme attended the orientation held in Aula Amerta Kantor Manajemen Kampus C UNAIR,
some of them originating from outside Java, such as Manado, Makassar, Gorontalo, Palangka Raya, Tarakan, as well as Bali. “Per PMM-DN’s regulation enacted this year, students from Java are required to join exchange programme to campuses outside Java, and vice versa,” revealed Director of Education of UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Sukardiman, M.S., Apt.,
“For this MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka, Red) programme, it is specifically intended for students to learn cross-culture, across different campuses and through engagements between students.”
Over the next semester, these students will take part in programs at UNAIR, both lecture activities and supporting activities soft skill at UNAIR. On that occasion, Prof Maman, Prof Sukardiman's nickname, reported on a similar program that had been running in 2020.

The PMM-DN program was attended by 420 students who took part in the program on a regular basis online, and 41 students from outside Java took part in the program offline. They come from 113 universities spread across various regions in Indonesia.
“Additionally, there are 25 courses employed online. The one with the highest number of participant is Hukum Pidana Korupsi (Civil Law on Corruption), Kepemimpinan Pengambilan Keputusan (Decision Making Leadership) and Kesehatan Mental (Mental Health), with the latter two from Bachelor studies of Psychology,” Prof. Sukardiman elaborated.
Meanwhile, UNAIR Director of Student Affairs Dr. M. Hadi Subhan, S.H., M.H., CN. emphasized that before there was an MBKM program from the Ministry of Education and Culture, UNAIR already had a similar program. Some examples are the implementation of the Achievement Credit System (SKP) and the thesis-free policy for students who win gold medals at the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS).
“Non-academic activities make up his name soft skills, this is what students need after learning, how to lead, teamwork, bukan super man tapi super team,” ucap Hadi.
For your information, the PMM-DN program is one of the programs that supports the MBKM program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture-Ristek. This program aims to provide students with experience apart from studying on campus themselves. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh