Definition of Research
Research is an academic endeavor encompassing scientific as well as social and humanities studies, conducted under the supervision of faculty members or researchers.
Research can be conducted at research institutions such as LIPI/BRIN (Indonesian Institute of Sciences/National Research and Innovation Agency), research and development agencies, Eijkman Institute, higher education institutions, and others. It can also take the form of Student Creativity Programs related to research, Technology Application, Intellectual Creations, Scientific Article Writing, Written Ideas, Constructive Futuristic Ideas, and Critical Thinking Competitions for students.
Research Internship is a learning activity for students involving research work conducted for a minimum of 1 semester and a maximum of 2 semesters at government or industry research institutions that have collaboration with Universitas Airlangga. It can also take place at research centers, research groups, or research laboratories established within Universitas Airlangga based on the Decree of the Rector or Dean.
Form of Activity
Students engage in interdisciplinary research activities, guided by 2 - 3 supervisors, and conduct the research in groups of a minimum of 2 individuals to a maximum of 4 individuals from different study programs, or a maximum of 2 individuals from the same study program. If the research is conducted at government or industrial research institutions, the students must also be accompanied by a supervisor from the research internship institution, in addition to the faculty supervisors. The main researcher and/or the student's supervisor must be genuinely knowledgeable in the research topic undertaken by the student.
Outcomes and Impact
Students participating in research-based learning activities are required to Publish scientific articles in accredited national or reputable international journals and Submit research reports and complete their thesis or final project.
The procedure for conducting research activities is as follows:
- Students select a designated research internship institution specified by the university.
- Students apply to become internship participants at the designated research center, laboratory, or research group.
- The research center, laboratory, or research group conducts a selection process for the participating students.
- The research center, laboratory, or research group appoints supervisors and provides a learning agreement contract signed by the students.
- Students submit the Letter of Acceptance (LoA) to the Study Program and fill out the Learning Activity Plan Card for Research Internship.
- The Study Program appoints a faculty supervisor for the student's research activity.
- The Study Program prepares a conversion course outline for the research internship activity, signed by both the student and the faculty supervisor.
- Students conduct their research activities and maintain a logbook, which is monitored and acknowledged by the faculty supervisor and the activity mentor.
- At the end of the semester, students present their research outcomes to the faculty supervisor and the activity mentor.
- The faculty supervisor and the activity mentor provide grades to the Study Program based on the conversion course list.
berdasarkan daftar matakuliah konversi. - The Study Program applies for grade conversion and credit transfer for the research internship activity.
- The Faculty's academic department inputs the converted grades and credits into the university's cyber campus system.
- The research center, laboratory, or research group issues a certificate of completion for the research internship activity to the students and the Study Program.
- Students submit evidence of published articles and research activity reports to the Study Program and the research center, laboratory, or research group.
- Throughout the research internship activity, students have access to online learning for courses that will be converted, and they can also participate in online learning for courses that cannot be converted during the research internship.
- Students submit reports through the website

Grade Conversion
The research internship learning activity can be converted into the following courses:
- Research Methodology.
- Relevant courses in the study program's competency that align with the research topic conducted at the research center, laboratory, or research group.
- One (1) credit unit per semester (sks) is equivalent to 2,720 (two thousand seven hundred
twenty) minutes of research activity carried out by the student.