Definition of Rural Development (Village Project) / Thematic Community Service (KKN)
Village projects encompass social initiatives aimed at assisting rural or remote communities in building their local economy, infrastructure, and other aspects. These projects can be conducted in collaboration with local village authorities (village heads), village-owned enterprises (BUMDes),
cooperatives, or other village organizations.
Community service activities are a form of interdisciplinary and sectoral learning that takes place at specific times and locations in Indonesia. Community service activities (KKN) typically occur within the timeframe specified in the curriculum and are based in villages (or at times, at village-based healthcare centers, such as Puskesmas). All KKN activities involve multiple fields of study to achieve their goals.
For example, in the implementation of KKN based on a village setting with a focus on Disaster Management,
field activities and discussions are formulated and conducted to allow each academic discipline to contribute to shaping the content of village regulations and disaster mitigation plans. Disciplines such as Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Public Health, Nursing, Psychology, Economics, Culture, Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Veterinary Medicine, Fisheries and Marine Sciences, and Law collaborate to provide insights into village regulations and disaster mitigation plans. For example, faculties like the Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Social Sciences contribute from a sociological perspective by overseeing aspects related to how the culture and characteristics of the community should be considered in determining village regulations, while the Faculty of Economics and Business provides input on insurance systems for disaster management. Further legal oversight and advocacy are carried out by law students under the supervision of faculty members from the Faculty of Law.

Duration of Activities
Community Service Program (KKN) can be conducted in short, medium and
long duration.
- Short Duration: 8,160 minutes (equivalent to 3 credits)
- Medium duration: 10,880 minutes (4 credits) - 27,200 minutes (10 credits)
- Long Duration: 29,920 minutes (11 credits) - 54,400 minutes (20 credits)
Form of Activity
Community Service Program (KKN) Interprofessional Education (IPE) is project-based (Interprofessional Care Project based) which is based on a solution project for real problems at the KKN location.
Various program innovations with an interprofessional approach that have a real impact on the community (interprofessional care project) and be a solution to the real problems of the community, as follow:
- Educational videos on topics like Clean and Healthy Living (PHBS), Drug Hazards, HIV Transmission, Disaster Preparedness, and Coping with Extraordinary Events.
- Specific skill training.
- Facility Improvement Program for example: Making drug shelves in the Village Health Pharmacy Centre, making records of drug side effects.