UNAIR NEWS – In response to Kampus Merdeka: Merdeka Belajar programme established by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud), Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) expanded their networking for domestic partners. The most recent one is Universitas Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah).
The ceremonial signing of the MoU was attended by representatives from both sides, with representatives UNAIR extended to Secretary of the University, Vice Rectors, Head of Institute of Research and Community Services, as well as Directors of relevant units.
The partnership between the two institutions was initiated upon the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which was ceremoniously held online by Zoom on Tuesday, (6/10/20). The partnership will revolve around the three pillars of higher education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi), which comprises education, research and community development.
On initiating the partnership, the Rector of Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Nasih revealed that the MoU is only the first step, to legalise the partnership. Next, the two institutions have to work hand in hand in designing programmes befitting to their mutual interests, for the purpose of their mutual benefits.
So that in the future, through this collaboration, UNAIR lecturers can provide teaching at Unsyiah, and vice versa. Also, UNAIR students can take part in study programs or take certain courses at Unsyiah, and vice versa.
Apart from education, cooperation is also possible in terms of community service and collaborative research. "Because Unsyiah publishes reputable journals as does UNAIR, of course in the future we really hope that our science development process can cite each other," added the Chancellor.
The Rector of Unsyiah, Prof. Samsul Rizal, remarked that a lot of Unsyiah’s faculty members are graduates of UNAIR, “A lot of our lecturer, and teaching doctors are graduates of Faculty of Medicines UNAIR (FK UNAIR), who has opened their own clinics, or working for big hospitals at the region.
“Hopefully, this will further support our institutions’ contribution to public health, water management, and we can work together to expand it into potential fields to be explored.”
"Hopefully public health (public health, ed), aquaculture, will become a potential that we can develop in the future," said Prof. Samsul.
Meanwhile, Chair of the UNAIR Community Service and Development Institute (LPPM) Dr. Eko Supeno, Drs., M.Sc. said that there would be many opportunities for collaboration between UNAIR and Unsyiah. Apart from collaborative research and student exchanges, the collaboration that will be developed is curriculum development for the disaster management study program. Remember, Aceh is an area that is prone to disasters. Currently UNAIR has a Masters in Disaster Management study program under the Postgraduate School.
"It is necessary to develop a curriculum for disaster management study programs, in order to handle and prevent disasters," he said.
The MoU signing ceremony was attended by the leaders of both parties. At UNAIR, apart from the Chancellor, the forum was also attended by the University Secretary, Deputy Chancellor I, Deputy Chancellor II, Head of LPPM, and directors of several related units. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh