UNAIR NEWS – Paving its way to be a World Class University, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has been actively involved in various partnerships, whether it be joint research, or student mobility programme conducted in collaboration with universities overseas. The most recent engagement was a meeting held on Wednesday (05/2/2020), in the presence of representatives of Campus France Agency, to explore potential educational programmes.
The meeting was held on the Rector’s Meeting Parlour, Management Office of Campus C UNAIR, attended by Mr. Jean Franchois Dutrey and Mme. Indri Novita Sari from Campus France Agency. UNAIR was represented by its Vice Deans from the science fields, such as Faculty of Medicine (FK), Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and Faculty of Fisheries and Marines (FPK).
Additionally, on behalf of UNAIR’s executives, Vice Rector of Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih attended as the moderator of the meeting, supported by Dr. Dian Ekowati, the Head of Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE).
Mr. Dutrey informed UNAIR of several programmes initiated by Campus France Agency, including a short-term exchange programme focusing in sciences, namely “French + Sciences”.
“Our goal is to promote skills in the technological field in France, and its flagship training programme in the related field. For this programme, we emphasises on ‘Highlighting French technological know-how by removing language barrier’,” Mr. Dutrey elaborated.
The programme will be supported by a scholarship mechanism, provided by Campus France Academy for Universitas Airlangga’s students. Prof. Nyoman welcomed the offer with open hands, stating,
“This is a first, since most similar programmes require students to have at least B1 or B2 level of French language proficiency. And this programme does not include this requirement so we can reach a wider target for the programme amongst our students.’
“Students can still have French language lessons during their stay for the programme,” she added, beaming with excitement.
The Vice Chancellor who oversees education, student affairs and internationalization also said that this program was in line with the national program, namely "Freedom to Learn" which had also been conceptualized by the Chancellor at UNAIR.
"Apart from that, this program is in line with the "Freedom of Learning" policy which has also been conceptualized by the Chancellor. "Of course this is a good opportunity to implement this policy for students," she concluded. (*)
Author: Sugeng Andrean
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh