KOMPAS.com – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), through its General Director of Higher Education, is once again calling for participants to join a training programme of digital talents for students, namely “Bangun Kualitas Manusia Indonesia” (Bangkit) 2022. Bangkit, launched in collaboration with Google, alongside Gojek-Tokopedia (GoTo), Traveloka and Deeptech Foundation aims to facilitate students to be a skilled digital talent. Students will be awarded with a certificate upon completion of the training programme, bearing credits which can be transferred to their own departments, for 20 SKS.
Towards the end of the programme, students will also be encouraged to develop a start-up project. Up to 15 start-up projects will further be funded by Google and Dikti, with funding amounting to 140 million rupiahs. Students also have the opportunity to join the University International Fellowship (UIF) programme hosted by Stanford University.
Program coordinator for Bangkit in Universitas Padjadjaran, Dessy Novita, revealed that Bangkit programme will last for six whole months, starting from February until July 2022. Bangkit programme provides three curricula in total, consisting of machine learning, cloud computing as well as android programming; all subjects will be taught in English. “Apart from those three curricula, it will be provided with one more subject aiming to support students’ soft skill. We are trying to encourage students to be more confident, and to improve their communication skill in English, either verbal or written,” claimed Dessy, as cited by Unpad’s official site.
Bangkit programme opens for students from any study programme, however to be deemed eligible to apply for the programme students must have at least completed sixth semester of their studies, with adequate English proficiency competence, and are required to provide a statement letter which certify thor willingness to participate in the training programme for six months. The application for Bangkit programme will end on 31 December 2021. Registration shall be done via https://bangkit.academy/Further information regarding the programme can be found on the following site: https://grow.google/intl/id_id/bangkit/
Penulis Ayunda Pininta Kasih | Editor Ayunda Pininta Kasih
Artikel ini telah tayang di Kompas.com dengan judul “Mahasiswa, Pendaftaran Program Bangkit 2022 Kemendikbud-Google Dibuka”, Klik untuk baca: https://www.kompas.com/edu/read/2021/11/04/123054171/mahasiswa-pendaftaran-program-bangkit-2022-kemendikbud-google-dibuka.
Author: Ayunda Pininta Kasih
Editor: Ayunda Pininta Kasih