UNAIR NEWS The study programme of Sharia Economics of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga conducted orientation session, on Saturday (20/2/2021), for the internship programme which was co-hosted with Indonesian Board of Islamic Charity Management (LMI).
The Board Director of LMI, Prof. Mukhtasor, welcomed the newly forged partnership between his institution and FEB UNAIR. LMI has been recently introduced as FEB UNAIR’s partner for the internship programme under Merdeka Belajar that the faculty has designed.
During the orientation session, the Dean of FEB UNAIR, Prof. Dian Agustia, emphasised on the institutions’ bilateral relations as a tool to improve the quality of alumni of FEB UNAIR, especially from the Sharia Economics study programme.
“Our persistent focus on the three pillars of higher education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi) will promote this partnership further, and our students who participated in the internship programme at LMI will be able to get the ultimate hands-on experience,” the Dean has explained during the webinar ‘Merdeka Belajar: Ngampus dari Mana Saja’.
involving the Dean of FEB UNAIR and Board Director of Indonesian Amil Zakat National Agency (Baznas), Prof. Noor Achmad. The ceremony marks the beginning of sustainable partnership amongst FEB UNAIR and Baznas.
The ceremony was followed with a seminar, inviting government officials and other UNAIR academics as speakers, whereupon the Director of Learning and Student Affairs, Prof. Aris Junaidi, highlighted the significance of the pentahelix ecosystem within the Merdeka Belajar programme.
The statement was further supported by arguments conveyed by the Assistant of Deputy of Faith Moderation Unit, Thomas Ardian Siregar, who elaborated that the pentahelix synergy will be the lynchpin of collaborations between the government, society, academics, entrepreneurs, as well as media, in a collective endeavour to improve human resource competencies that the Merdeka Belajar programme aimed for.
Voicing similar views, the Professor of Sharia Economics at UNAIR, Prof. Raditya Sukmana, underlined that internship activities under the framework of Merdeka Belajar programme is a stepping stone for students to experience working on a project on-site, and will further train them to develop problem-solving skills related to on-site works.
“The programme is their platform to do comparative studies between theories and real-life practices. The synergy between FEB and Baznas will facilitate mustahik, support the development of ziswaf, and in turn, help narrow down our students’ expertise,” he revealed.
The Head of Zakat Forum, Mr. Bambang Suherman, was utterly convinced that the internship will contribute to students’ endeavours in promoting poverty eradication through the promotion of zakat, stating that,
“Both zakat and wakaf in Indonesia has a massive number of progress. The internship, research, voluntary activities, as well as monitoring and evaluation that the students have conducted so far will surely boost the existing progress.”
Author: Intang Arifia
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia