UNAIR NEWS Proposals proposed by two study programmes Universitas Airlangga, namely bachelor programme for History Studies of Faculty of Humanities (FIB) and bachelor programme for Aquaculture Studies of Faculty of Fisheries and Marines (FPK) have been selected for the Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka (PK-KM) programme, which was initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) and employed tiered system selection process.tiered systemDuring correspondence with UNAIR News on Saturday (1/5/2021), the Head of Department of Aquaculture, Putri Desi Wulan Sari S.Pi., M.Si., underlined the sketch of Merdeka Belajar programme that the Department of Aquaculture planned to implement targeting both students and lecturers, founded on an interprofessional education creative and innovative education model.
The PK-KM programme was intended to introduce new perspective, where learning techniques can be taught interprofessionally off-campus. “Learning programme and curriculum shall be designed to be adaptive to the existing dynamics, so that we can support students to improve their skills, especially in terms of aquaculture management, and we are confident that with this programme, we can generate more highly competitive alumni,” Putri Desi remarked.
With PK-KM programme, students of aquaculture studies will have the opportunity to gain more experience off-campus, through two different methods. First, they will learn on-site, with the sole purpose of gaining hands on experience melalui Field Education Program Secondly, they will be given a platform to enhance their entrepreneurial skill through their lessons during the Fisheries Entrepreneur Education Program (FE2P). Students will be supported with operational funding for four months, and are entitled to earn credit as many as 20 SKS.
Using such programme design, FPK manages to attract potential partners for them to implement their proposed PK-KM programme. For the FEP, they already secured partnerships with Tambak Mitra PT Surya Windu Kartika, Tambak DPA UNAIR, UD. Benih Unggul Situbongo, as well as Instalasi Budidaya Laut Boncong (IBL) Tuban. As for the FE2P, they collaborate with their alumni, working on competitions for fighter fish, namely Giovani Alif, PT. Nagrofa Akuakultura, BPBRIN UNAIR, UD Benih Unggul Situbondo, Kadin Jatim, HIPMI and Shrimp Club Indonesia.
Putri Desi emhpasised, “One of our study programme’s perks is that we have already engaged with various partners domestically, who can readily support the implementation of MBKM programme in our department. Our proposed programme for the grant signifies the backbone of our study programme, which relies on improving students’ skill to adapt during on’site works, strengthening their entrepreneurial instinct and capabilities, broadening their insights, as well as incorporating our academics’ research results into a concrete solution for our society.”
As of now, the Department of Aquaculture is working on the verification process, which follows immediately after the visitation from Kemendikbudristekdikti. The next step will be conducting both internal and external meeting in preparation for the implementation of MBKM programme.
Lastly, Putri Desi inferred, “With this programme, we have high expectations that our academics will fully support and actively participate in the programme, knowing that it is our academics too, who have poured their heart and soul into making this programme accessible for the other academics, with a purpose none other than enhancing our academics’ competencies.”
Author: Dimas Herfano
Editor: Feri Fenoria