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HomeCross Study Program

Cross Study Program

Definition of Cross-Program Courses

Cross-Program Courses is a form of learning system that supports professionalism and a more comprehensive academic perspective. This type of learning can include:

Pembelajaran lintas prodi-lintas rumpun ilmu dapat berupa : 

The list of courses available for Cross-Program Courses learning is included in a special roster on the University Airlangga Cybercampus (UACC). UACC (Universitas Airlangga Cybercampus)

Forms of Cross-Program Courses

Cross-Program Courses involves education within one field of study and across different fields of study, based on the streams and areas of expertise at UNAIR which include:embelajaran dalam satu rumpun bidang ilmu dan lintas rumpun ilmu yang berbentuk :

Streams and areas of expertise at UNAIR

Learning across study programs is based on Clusters and Scientific Fields at UNAIR which includes:

Requirements for Proposing Cross-Program Courses:

The requirements for proposing cross-program courses by the faculty/department are as follows:

Provisions for Taking Cross-Program Courses

The provisions for taking cross-program courses for students are as follows:

Outcomes and Impact