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HomeFAQ Program Indonesian International Student Mobility Award

FAQ Program Indonesian International Student Mobility Award

What is meant by the conversion/recognition of 20 credit hours (SKS), and what is the mechanism for it?

Recognition of semester credit units (sks) for students who undergo learning outside their original Higher Education institution through the Kampus Merdeka program which is managed by::

a. Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi secara terpusat; atau

b. Higher Education institutions and approved by the Higher Education leaders.

c. Kementerian atau lembaga lain dan divalidasi oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi.

Perguruan Tinggi memfasilitasi mahasiswa untuk mengikuti pembelajaran program Kampus Merdeka di luar Perguruan Tinggi asal tanpa menunggu ditetapkannya kurikulum baru.

Kampus memberikan pengakuan pelaksanaan pembelajaran program Kampus Merdeka di luar Perguruan Tinggi karena hal tersebut sudah diatur dalam Permendikbud No. 3 tahun 2020 dan Kepmendikbud No 74 tahun 2021 sebagai payung hukum terkait dengan kurikulum dan SKS.

Pembelajaran melalui program yang disediakan oleh organisasi mitra tidak akan dikonversikan secara utuh sebanyak 20 SKS (gelondongan), tetapi per skill atau keahlian yang dikembangkan dalam program. Skill atau keahlian tersebut bisa dikonversikan ke dalam SKS Perguruan Tinggi dengan 4 pilihan:

Mekanisme pengakuan kredit ini disesuaikan dengan pelaksanaan pembelajaran kumulatif dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

Pengakuan SKS bagi mahasiswa ini tentunya harus memenuhi beberapa ketentuan yang sudah disiapkan, antara lain:

Adapun hal-hal yang membuat pengakuan/konversi SKS ini tidak bisa diberikan kepada mahasiswa yang terbukti melakukan:

Berikut adalah skema pengakuan/konversi SKS dalam program MSIB apabila ada kendala atau tidak bisa dilakukannya pengakuan/konversi SKS:

How to apply in this program?
  1. Prospective applicants should contact their home university to obtain a letter of recommendation, prepare the necessary documents, and apply through the Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka Platform.

If the home university does not have an agreement with the target university, can students still apply?
  1. Yes, they can. The collaboration between the home and target universities does not restrict students from applying to any target university. All students under the Directorate General of Higher Education can select any target university that is an IISMA partner for that year.

Are students who receive the Bidikmisi Scholarship eligible for this program?
  1. Yes, they are eligible. If a student receives a Bidikmisi scholarship funded by the same source as IISMA, which is Kemendikbudristek, the Bidikmisi scholarship will cover the tuition fees for one semester, but the living expenses will not be covered while the student is receiving funding from IISMA to avoid double funding. Please consult with your respective home university regarding the Bidikmisi scholarship.

Can students apply to more than one target university?

Tidak, mahasiswa hanya dapat memilih satu universitas tujuan. Silakan membaca semua informasi dan persyaratan setiap univeritas tujuan dengan hati-hati sebelum mendaftar.

What are the eligibility requirements for this program?
  • Be an Indonesian citizen residing in Indonesia.

  • Be registered in PDDikti (Higher Education Database).

  • Be in the 4th to 7th semester of your undergraduate (S1) program when applying and during the program.

  • Be nominated by your home university.

  • Have English language proficiency proven by an official score of at least IELTS - 6.0, TOEFL iBT - 78, Duolingo English Test - 100, or TOEFL ITP - 550, valid at the time of application.

  • Have not received any other foreign student exchange scholarships.

  • Be willing to comply with the rules and regulations established by Kemendikbudristek during the program
Can students take courses that align with their interests?

Ya, tetapi mahasiswa harus berkoordinasi dengan universitas asal mereka di saat pemilihan universitas dan program studi. Surat rekomendasi dari universitas asal akan mencakup aspek-aspek ini.

How long is the program duration?

The program will generally last for 16 weeks, but the exact dates and duration will be adjusted by each university.

What does the IISMA funding include?
  • Registration and tuition fees

  • Monthly living expenses.

  • Initial allowance.

  • Health insurance.

  • Transportation allowance.

  • Visa

  • PCR test.

  • Quarantine in the destination country (if required).

Where can students reach out to for further questions?

Mahasiswa dapat bertanya ke help desk MBKM ataupun dapat menyampaikan pertanyaan ke mahasiswa.iisma@gmail.com