MBKM Dean of Faculty of Law Emphasised The Significance of Kampus Merdeka Programme in Further Unlocking Law Students’ Potentials
MBKM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UNAIR on Developing Scientific Framework in ‘Saling Menyapa’ for Kampus Merdeka Programme
MBKM MBKM Implementation Framework Becomes the Blueprint of Kampus Merdeka Programme Hosted by Faculty of Humanities UNAIR
MBKM Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at UNAIR to Fully Incorporate Their Lessons with the Implementation of MBKM
MBKM Interns’ Orientation Session for Students of Sharia Economic Studies of Faculty of Economics and Business UNAIR Participating in Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Programme, In Collaboration With Lembaga Manajemen Infaq/LMI (Board of Islamic Charity Management)
MBKM UNAIR and Unsyiah Engage in Collaborations on Implementing Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Programme
MBKM Kampus Merdeka, The Ultimate Platform to Unlock Students’ Potentials within the Sector of Domestic Industry
MBKM Renewable Energy as The Main Focus of Kampus Merdeka Programme Hosted by Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidisciplinary Studies of UNAIR
MBKM A Year Into The Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Programme, UNAIR Conducted Cross-Studies between Study Programmes and International Outbound Programme
MBKM Sharing With The Champion of Kampus Merdeka Programme, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UNAIR
MBKM Faculty of Humanities’ Challenges and Expectations in Supporting Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Programme