This MBUS scholarship is intended to provide opportunities for students in Higher Education Institutions, both public and private, to take courses from the country’s top higher education institutions, as well as top higher education institutions overseas, for free.
The MBUS scholarship is provided for students in order to support them in gaining rich learning experience through courses participation for free in top higher education institutions overseas. It is highly expected that students will not only top-up their skills and capabilities, but also enhance their qualifications as alumni.
How to Apply for Merdeka Belajar untuk Semua (MBUS) scholarship in Universitas Airlangga?
Available Courses
So far, around 200 courses has been made available by the institution members of ICE Institute consortium, which consist of 13 different higher education institutions in Indonesia and Asosiasi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia (AFEBI), and the courses can be selected and applied to by students of HEIs in Indonesia (as seen on bit.ly/katalog-iceinstitute).
Each student can apply to no more than five (5) courses from the courses listed on online courses under ICE Institute consortium.
Apart from that, more than 1400 courses are available, picked from 55 different HEIs overseas, under edX (as seen on www.icei.ac.id), such as;
- Harvard University
- Imperial College London
- Columbia University
- Delft University of Technology
- IIT Bombay
- Kyoto University
- Waseda University
- RWTH Aachen University
- Tsinghua University
- Tecnológico de Monterrey
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- University of Adelaide,
- and many more.
For international courses, students may select up to two (2) courses from online courses listed under edX and the credit earned from participating in the courses can be transferred to the students’ study programme in which they are enrolled in their home institutions. Students will only earn credit once they successfully completed the course and its required exams. Students will be given certificates to validate their participation, issued by the ICE Institute.

For more information regarding the programme, students may head over to www.icei.ac.id or read the guidelines provided below.