To avoid website crashes, students are advised to visit the portal directly on
If anyone received error notification upon applying or failed to receive a confirmation email, then go directly to and click ‘forgot your password’, then simply follow the instructions.
AGE team is setting up an FAQ column as we speak, to respond to flood of inquiries from students. More inquiries will also be confirmed to POKJA IISMA team, prior to publication. Please note that FAQ will be released soon and updated accordingly from time to time.
AGE has set up a mentoring session (offline) on Saturday, 19 March 2022 at the UNAIR Management Office. This event is held specifically for those who are already equipped with English Proficiency Certificate and Academic Transcript in English. Registration link for mentoring session will be disseminated by Wednesday, 16 March 2022. This event is limited to the first 100 applicants who can follow through the following terms:
- 1. Uploading English Proficiency Certificate and Academic Transcript in English,
- 2. Uploading motivation letter draft to be evaluated during the mentoring session,
- 3. Uploading sample twibbon which will be used for IISMA.
Guidelines on application and template for supporting documents (in pdf format) has been prepared by the POKJA IISMA team. Documents submitted by the students can only be submitted through AGE, and there will be a specific procedure for the proposal of said documents which will be informed further.
POKJA IISMA team will also conduct a small promotional campaign on the application procedure of IISMA programme during the soft launching event next week and AGE team will provide updates regularly.